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Bible Verse

Today's Fear Not is from Isaiah 7:4 --
And say unto him, Take heed, and be quiet; fear not, neither be fainthearted for the two tails of these smoking firebrands, for the fierce anger of Rezin with Syria, and of the son of Remaliah.
Date Stuff

Today is Saturday, February 22.
This is day number 53 of the year 2025.

On this day in 1988, Darrel Cline embarked on his first teaching trip to Asian Christian Academy in India.

(Family history stuff)

Go to Family Pages

From the Pastor's Study

From Pastor Darrel Cline, a collection of short articles on a number of Biblical topics, study notes and message outlines in progress for Galatians, partial study notes and message outlines for Luke, Romans, and 1 Peter , complete study outlines for James and I Timothy, and four books: The Stuff of Martyrs, The Election of Grace, Mark's Picture of Jesus, and The Rapture is When?

Blog alert! Uncle Ben on the Back Porch
A suggested set of rules for The Mexican Train domino game
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Twenty-Six Books
Twelve Pennies
$30 Motel Room
Two Strings
The Circumference of the Earth
The Fast Bee
The Lieberman Riddle
Four Men & a Bridge

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